Parents want what is best for their children, but when the parents cannot agree on what "best" is, a Court has to decide for you. Custody is a term of art which incorporates many different dimensions. There is physical custody and legal custody. Physical custody refers to with which parent the children spend time with and what the schedule will look like. Legalcustody refers to decision making authority, so in the event you and your co-parent cannot agree on a particular issue related to healthcare, education, religion, or extracurricular activities, the tie breaker is designated.
When parents don't agree on child custody, a judge decides legal and physical custody, as well as a visitation schedule, on their behalf. Georgia courts determine child custody based on what's in each child's best interest. Judges consider several factors when deciding custody, including but not limited to: the parents' jobs and availability to devote sufficient time to parenting, the quality of the home environments, a child's need to stay in the same home or with their siblings for stability, the strength of the child's emotional bonds with each parent, each parents' familiarity with the child's needs, and the parents' parenting history of involvement with the child's life.
For more information on the differences between legal and physical custody or for what other factors a judge may consider and how they weigh against one another, schedule a consultation.